The Marine Optics group joining SFI Smart Ocean

Optics Group on a field trip to Marifjøra

Since the start of SFI Smart Ocean, there has been close collaboration between SFI Smart Ocean and the Marine Optics Research Group at UiB, and from 2023 we have now included a subproject in work package 1 devoted to this research. We investigate new and improved optical measurement technologies and the light propagation in the ocean. This is relevant for both environmental monitoring and optical underwater communication.

The activities are linked to associated projects: The SEAS Fellowship Programme on interdisciplinary research within marine sustainability (PostDoc Daniel Koestner), UiB’s strategic PhDs and PostDoc in ocean technology (PhD candidates Shea Chatham and Håvard Ugulen, PostDoc Hongbo Liu), and the INTPART NFR education project Useful Arctic Knowledge (UAK) lead by NERSC starting in 2023. 

“Our research in marine optics is very relevant for the scope of SFI Smart Ocean. By integrating this as an own topic in WP1, our intention is to connect more Centre partners in the research and testing of marine optical technologies” (Camilla Sætre, Associate Professor, UiB).

You can find more information about the Marine Optics group on their website.