New PhD – Md Al Shayokh
I completed my B.Sc. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Yildiz Technical University (Turkey) and later obtained my M.Sc. in IT convergence Engineering from Kumoh National Institute of Technology (South Korea). I have a background in the Wireless Sensor Networks and Bio Inspired Computing as well as swarm intelligence domain.
After working for both industry and academia more than 05 years in several projects, on June 2023 I started my PhD Fellowship at HVL and will be working on developing communication protocols (Work Package 2). Especially, I will focus on network architecture, multi-hop and mesh protocols with respect to efficient data transfer and low energy requirements.
Anne-Lena Kampen (HVL) is my main supervisor whereas Kjell Eivind Frøysa (HVL) and Lars Michael Kristensen (HVL) are my co-supervisors.