News archive

5 July 2023
Szapoczka et. al. has published the new article «Fluorescence intensity and fluorescence lifetime measurements of various carbon dots as a function of pH» in Scientific Reports from Nature.
Measurement and monitoring of pH are essential in both the industry and academia. It is therefore important to continue developing novel, low-cost pH sensors that provide increased accuracy over long periods of time. Particularly promising are sensors based on materials that show pH-dependent fluorescence intensity (FI) and lifetime (FL).

30 June 2023
Thanh has published the new article «Engineering Challenges of Stationary Wireless Smart Ocean Observation Systems» in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal
The ocean is vital for humankind but may cause catastrophes when unhealthy. Although there have been efforts to build ocean monitoring systems, the understanding of the underwater environment is limited due to the cost and challenges of obtaining real-time marine data.

19 June 2023
Whom is the workshop intended for?
The workshop is intended for everyone working in offshore, marine, and maritime sectors that produce, service, or operate equipment, machines, systems, or infrastructure related to operations, monitoring, performance tracking and decision support.
When and where?
24th of August 2023
09:15 – 15:45
Kreativt Møtesenter
Ground floor at Terje Løvås vei 1, Grimstad

15 June 2023
On 31. August, you are invited to an innovation workshop on Ocean Technologies in Bergen. This is a joint workshop between SFI Smart Ocean, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, SFIs Offshore Mechatronics, GCE NODE and GCE Ocean Technology.
The goal of the workshop is to explore emerging topics within ocean technologies that will form the basis for future needs within operation and maintenance in the offshore, marine, and maritime sectors.

8 June 2023
It is a pleasure to announce that Md Al Shayokh started as a PhD candidate to HVL on June 5, 2023. His work is a part of WP2.
He will primarily work on communication protocols for underwater communication. His supervision team is Anne-Lena Kampen, Kjell Eivind Frøysa and Lars M. Kristensen. The supervision team is involved both in WP1, WP2 and WP3.
The position will therefore strengthen WP2 and connect the three WPs.

2 June 2023
Wednesday 31st May and Thursday 1st June SFI Smart Ocean held the Spring Gathering at Campus Kronstad, HVL.

2 May 2023
Astrid has published «Challenges, limitations, and measurement strategies to ensure data quality in deep-sea sensors» in the journal Frontiers of Marine Science.

24 April 2023
SFI Smart Ocean has now published the annual report for 2022. Click the link below to read an excerpt from the report and download the full document.

New Centre Director
11 April 2023
We are happy to announce that Ingvar Henne will take on the assignment as Centre Director for SFI Smart Ocean from April 11th. Henne has been involved in SFI Smart Ocean since the application phase and has been heavily involved in the scientific work in the Centre.
His background within wireless network and communication technology as well as relevant management positions makes him well positioned to lead the Centre.
“I am excited and humble by the opportunity to lead SFI Smart Ocean and work closely with all the partners that represent broad and strong competence areas. I really look forward to being heavily involved in the realization of innovations that will contribute to better understanding and sustainable use of the oceans», Henne says.
“I am very happy that the new Centre Director is in place, and I am quite sure that SFI Smart Ocean will be in good hands under Ingvar Henne’s lead in the years ahead.”
– Kjetil Ullaland, Head of Department, Department of Physics and Technology, UiB

Emerging Leaders – Arctic Frontiers
15 February 2023
PhD-student Wiktoria Szapoczka participated in January in the Emerging Leader program, an early-career and mentoring program in the Arctic for young professionals from the academic, industry and policy sector. The program ends with attendance at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø. Wiktoria has written a travel report for SFI Smart Ocean, which is available on the link below.

Marine Optics group
14 February 2023
From 1. January 2023 the Marine Optics Group at UiB have joined the activities in SFI Smart Ocean.

Innovation Day at PTIL
7 February 2023
PhD-student Astrid Marie Skålvik, UiB, presented «Hvordan kan vi stole på måledata? [How can we trust measurement data]» at PTIL’s Innovation Day at Solastranden gård, 1st February.

NCE Seafood Innovation joins SFI Smart Ocean
5 January 2023
FI Smart Ocean is very happy to welcome NCE Seafood Innovation as a partner in our Centre. The industry cluster represents member companies and partners from the entire value chain of the seafood industry.

Further Testing at Austevoll and Updates to the Demonstrator
8 December 2022
SFI Smart Ocean will test and demonstrate the technology we are developing at several test sites, including our main test site at the Institute of Marine Research’s station at Austevoll. We are happy to confirm that we have now completed several more tests in the fjord at Austevoll, and that the demonstrator has been enhanced with additional equipment.

SFI Smart Ocean Phd Student Keila Lima and Co-Authors Win «Best Paper» Award at PROFES22
28 November 2022
PROFES, the International Conference on on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, is among the top recognized software development and process improvement conferences.

SFI Smart Ocean Welcomes New Partner, W-Sense
1 November 2022
W-Sense has patented technologies that have pioneered the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT). W-Sense will provide the Centre with access to new competence and equipment, in addition to new perspectives in solving challenges undertaken by SFI Smart Ocean.

Data Exploration for SFI Smart Ocean
19 August 2022
Our SFI Smart Ocean pilot demonstrator has begun to send data! Since May this year, our 2 test rigs located at Austevoll on the western coast of Norway have been gathering and sending out data from the first deployment of pilot demonstrators in our project.

Presentation, Peter J. Thomas
27June 2022
Peter J. Thomas, NORCE, presented “Distributed fibreoptic sensors and their applications” at The Sensor Decade conference 1st June in Oslo.
“Distributed fibre optic sensors possess a unique set of characteristics, making them particularly suited for harsh environments and applications where providing power and communication for large numbers of individual sensors presents a challenge. This talk presents some of NORCE’s activities in technology development and applied research towards distributed fibre sensors, covering applications including renewable energy, environmental monitoring, transport, and oil & gas.” (
Research on distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) using fibreoptics forms part of work package 1 in SFI Smart Ocean. The activity aims to investigate the possibilities of using DAS technology for monitoring a range of acoustic sources within the ocean soundscape, including contributions from weather conditions and offshore wind energy generation.

Master-presentasjon Røsvik
27June 2022
Bjørnar Halleråker Røsvik (UiB) presenterer sin mastergradsoppgave i havteknologi: «Multidisciplinary Moorings in the Arctic and Coastal Areas»
Onsdag 29. juni, kl. 10:15 – rom 292, IFT Allegaten 55
Presentasjonen er åpen for tilhørere. Det vil også være mulig å følge presentasjonen digitalt, ta kontakt med Camilla Sætre for lenke.

SFI Smart Ocean Contributions at the UTC Conference
16June 2022
SFI Smart Ocean participated with two contributions at UTC – Underwater Technology Conference. PhD student Astrid Marie Skålvik from UiB presented «Smart subsea wireless sensing – Challenges, limitations, and promising measurement strategies for ensuring data quality and reliability», and our partners IMR and Aanderaa presented some of our results and plans in a poster in the exhibition area. Astrid Marie won the Best student paper award for her contribution.

Two Students Complete their Master’s Degrees at HVL with a Case Study on SFI SmartOcean
15 June 2022
Benedicte Jensen’s and Ida Grieg-Lie’s Master’s thesis at HVL is entitled «Shared data and sustainability in the marine industry: A case study of the SFI Smart Ocean project.»

SFI Smart Ocean Spring Workshop
3 June 2022
SFI Smart Ocean had its workshop at Austevoll on May 30th -31st. 41 participants from the Centre were gathered to discuss use-cases and the pilot demonstrators.

HVL announces Phd Research Fellow Position in Wireless Underwater Sensor Networks
31. May 2022
The Department of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences has a vacancy for a four-year position in underwater sensor networks for smart monitoring of the ocean.

Undervannsrigger sjøsettes endelig
26. May 2022
Havforskere skal få instrumenter til å snakke med hverandre trådløst under vann.

Meet SFI Smart Ocean’s New Students
10. May 2022
Wiktoria Karolina Szapoczka (UiB), Keila Lima (HVL) and Astrid Marie Skålvik (UiB) present their respective projects.

02. May 2022
SFI Smart Ocean has now published the annual report for 2021. Click the link below to read an excerpt from the report and download the full document.

UiB and GCE Ocean Technology sign new partnership agreement
21. April 2022
The initiative to start the application process for SFI Smart Ocean came from GCE Ocean Technology. Now UiB, who coordinates SFI Smart Ocean, and GCE Ocean Technology have signed a new partnership agreement to strengthen the dialogue and collaboration with the ocean industries.
This will hopefully lead to further spin-off projects for SFI Smart Ocean in the future.

Turning Science into Business
7. februar 2022
SFI Smart Ocean and the MarTERA project UNDINA, received valuable input from partners and member from GCE Ocean Technology in a workshop this week.

1. februar 2022
Knowledge-based decisions for sustainable ocean management were on the agenda when the Minister of Climate and Environment, Espen Barth Eide, and colleagues visited UiB and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The SFI Smart Ocean solutions for real-time marine observations were presented along with UiB’s research on offshore wind, deep sea research, marine law and economic framework.

19. november 2021
11 students and researchers from NERSC and the University of Bergen participated in a 3-day cruise to Bjørnafjorden south of Bergen and the surrounding area, with the Norwegian Coast Guard vessel KV Tor. The cruise was a part of the SFI Smart Ocean project preparing for a mesoscale observing system using acoustic technology.
Fysisk åpningsseremoni
8. oktober 2021
Senteret ble startet i desember 2020, men måtte avlyse åpningsfesten i mars til fordel for et digitalt oppstartsmøte. Det var derfor første gang kollegene i senteret fikk samles fysisk, til tross for å ha jobbet sammen i over et år.