PhD-Defense Wikoria Szapoczka

Friday 8. November 2024 PhD-candidate Wiktoria Szapoczka (UiB) successfully defended her PhD-thesis in a public defense. Congratulation, well done!
Wiktoria has been employed at UiB/SFI Smart Ocean, participating in WP1-3 “Novel sensor technology & anti-biofouling: pH sensor”, where her work has been a central part of the activity.
Professor Bodil Holst (UiB) has been her main supervisor, and Associate Professor Tore Skodvin (UiB) and Peter James Thomas (NORCE) have been co-supervisors.
The press release (Norwegian only) for the defense you can find here.
Her thesis is called “Investigation of Fluorescent pH Indicators and Antibiofouling Properties of a Nanostructured Glass for Use in Underwater Fluorescence Lifetime-based pH Sensors“ and can be found here.