SFI Smart Ocean aims to create a wireless observation system for multi-parameter monitoring of underwater environments and installations. The system, based on autonomous smart sensors, will serve as an enabling fundament to realize flexible, distributed, robust, energy efficient, cost-effective, and safe marine measurements and big-data handling, to solve societal and industrial challenges.
The Centre will address selected novel measurement technologies; a smart sensor platform commencing data pre-processing and compression; two-way underwater acoustic communication through the smart network architecture; and software technology covering the chain from data aquisition to interfacing relevant open data platforms.
R&D challenges include; standardized, low energy and low cost underwater wireless communication; software and systems to enable Internet of Underwater Things; in addition to enabling sensors and technologies for measurement of integrity and environment over larger areas. Anti-biofouling nano-coating, and methods for optimizing the monitoring system for cost efficiency and measurement quality, are also key to ensure reliable data over long time-periods.
The Centre will develop a vendor neutral and flexible network technology, and enable real-time high quality data. Sensors and equipment from vendors not participating in the Centre can be readily implemented in the network structure, allowing for further value creation also outside the Centre. Non-proprietary data collected by the system shall be made available through open data platforms for further use by industry, authorities, and scientists. Participating vendor companies will get access to the smart sensor platform and implement this in their sensors, increasing market shares through new innovations. The technology will enable increased autonomy for sustainable and profitable ocean industry operations, and fact-based ocean resource management; important to both ocean industries and authorities.